STOP Vehicle Rust with WOOLWAX Rust Proofing!
STOP Vehicle Rust with WOOLWAX Rust Proofing!
WoolWax® Undercoating Formula is a lanolin based corrosion inhibitor developed solely to protect the undercarriages of automobiles and trucks. Our lanolin is blended with other proprietary agents to provide long term corrosion protection. WoolWax® will provide long term protection (annual application) against salt, liquid calcium chloride, brine, and all other ice control agents that are being used by municipal departments. Most other undercoating products contain up to 70% solvents, which make these products very thin and watery. Without a very thick viscosity, these products break down and wash off quickly. WoolWax® is solvent free and very thick and viscous. It applies like a heavy latex paint, which makes it very resistant to wash-off. WoolWax® does not dry. It remains soft and pliable and continues to be active, migrating into all the inaccessible areas.
We recommend WoolWax® for all Municipalities, Fire Departments and snow/ice removal companies all throughout the northeast for their corrosion protection needs.
Our Woolwax undercoating starts with the preparation of your vehicle's undercarriage. The Woolwax product is applied to every accessible part of the undercarriage. The product does not require curing time and is designed to starve out any excessing rust.
Woolwax can be applied to cars, SUV's and pick-up trucks.
WOOLWAX rust prevention treatment.